
手機定位技術 (Mobile Location)

2001年筆者在美國Spirent出差的時候, 正好是Sprint-Nextel委託Spirent針對E911手機定位準確度的測試設備的開發最後階段,當時Spirent成功提供了全球第一套符合IS-916的測試設備.

1. Mobile Location技術可分為三種:
- Mobile based, 如GPS
- Network based, 如cell ID, AOA, TOT
- Mobile and Network co-work: 如A-GPS, AFLT, E-OTD

2. GPS技術:
- 由手機尋找GPS衛星 --> it would take a long time for first time power on in a new area
- 由手機量測與GPS衛星的距離
- 由手機計算自己的X, Y, Z

3. A-GPS技術:
- 由網路告知手機該尋找哪些GPS衛星 --> it would take only few seconds
- 由手機量測與GPS衛星的距離
- 由網路計算手機的X, Y, Z

4. 無論GPS or A-GPS, 都需要至少4顆GPS衛星:
X, Y, Z, delta T; X= 經度, Y= 緯度, Z= 高度, delta T = time difference
--> 以上四個未知數, 需要四個方程式來解.
--> 因此需要四顆GPS衛星.

5. IS-801-1 signal基本上走control plan for E911, 但無法傳送太多服務訊息(如地圖資訊), 因此建議走user plan技術上是正確的.

6. E911是美國FCC的要求, 台灣沒有還無此規定.

7. FCC關於E911的要求:
E911 Issues (E911 stands for electronic 911 and refers to the requirement by cellular network carriers to provide location information for emergency calls from cellular telephones)

E911 is primarily an FCC (federal communications regulator in USA) initiative. Success of E911 has faced several hurdles. Hatfield report in USA has highlighted several concerns and issues. We are highlighting some of these issues for professionals to deal with:

- Accuracy of various location identification technologies - GPS, E-OTD, etc - Go to the relevant location-based page on our site to understand this. FCC has set compliance expectations - phase one (1998) and phase 2 (October 2001) - 100 metres for 67% of calls, and 300 metres for 95 % of calls

- Lukewarm support of wireless carriers to meet the compliance requirements

- Availability of interoperable standardized handsets - A number of proprietary handsets are available now

- Retrofitting of PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) - various agencies that receive these calls - mostly emergency dispatch centers.

- State of Existing PSAP infrastructure - Somewhat antiquated in many places

- Inadequacy of funding at local level to retrofit hardware and software - it is not a trivial effort- billions of dollars are required. Somebody must foot the bill - federal government, homeland security agency, state agencies or local jurisdictions.

[1] MOBILEINFO.com: Vertical Applications- E911 - An Important Public Safety Requirement-
: http://www.mobileinfo.com/applications_vertical/public_safety/e911.htm



Free Space Loss(draft)

好吧, 我承認想不通Free Space Loss的物理機制, 所以寫不下去...

這個看似很合乎物理直覺的方程式, 其實是違反物理直覺的, 因為它的結論是越高頻的電磁波在離開Tx相同距離時Rx的path loss越大.

1. 無論重力或電力, 真空中都與距離平方成反比, 這是基礎物理定律.
2. 在地球上我們經驗到高頻的電磁波或聲波都無法傳太遠, 只有低頻的波可以長傳, 這是常識.

可是Free Space Loss不是在地球上, 它假設Tx以點的型態與Rx以小平面的型態放在真空中, 兩者四周沒有任何障礙物與反射物, 在這樣的條件下, 電磁波應該是可以毫無損耗地傳遞到理論上-無窮遠處, 根本不會有任何衰降.

再說違反物理直覺之處, 如果Free Space Loss是正確的, 那表示恆星所發出的白光(由各種波長所構成)將無法傳遞到遙遠的宇宙角落, 因為短波長(高頻)的紫光走不遠, 只有長波長(低頻)的紅光可以橫越宇宙, 如此一來我們夜晚的天空都將是紅色的星光, 不會像現在所觀察到的以白色星光居多.

這是我不懂Free Space Loss的部分, 請網路上的高手賜教.

一個好用的Free space loss計算機: http://www.comsearch.com/satellite/tools_fsl.jsp

這是自由空間的電波損耗,又稱為Friis Equation (H.T. Friis, 1946),或是Friis transmission equation,這是通信界少數以人命名的方程式。Friis, H. T. (Harald Trap), 1893-1976.丹麥人,後來移民美國,1925年起在Bell電話實驗室任職,是很具原創性的工程師。




1. TD-CDMA就是UTRA TDD,與TD-SCDMA同屬相同的3G家族。被ITU認可為IMT-2000 CDMA TDD (IMT-TD), 這兩個親兄弟的血緣近似度不亞於人類與黑猩猩之間的DNA差別, 兩者最大的特徵差異在於chip rate的不同, TD-SCDMA只有1.28Mcps, TD-CDMA與WCDMA/FDD一樣, 都是3.84 Mcps.

2. TD-SCDMA是中國大陸第一個獲世界認可的無線通信標準(CWTS), 內需市場與技術資源都很充足, 因此聲勢浩大, 常常讓台灣的技術觀察家忽略還有TD-CDMA的存在, 兩者間似乎有瑜亮情節, TD-CDMA只能分食中國市場以外的TDD頻譜.

3. 技術基本參數
TDD Technical SummaryFrequency band:
1900 MHz -1920 MHz and 2010 MHz - 2025 MHz (Time Division Duplex) Unpaired, channel spacing is 5 MHz and raster is 200 kHz. Tx and Rx are not separated in frequency, but by guard period.
Minimum frequency band required: ~ 5MHz, ~ 1.6MHz with 1.28 Mcps
Frequency re-use: 1
Voice coding: AMR (and GSM EFR) codec
Channel coding: Convolutional coding, Turbo code for high rate data
TDMA frame consist of 15 timeslots
Each time slot can be transmit of receive
Duplexer not needed
Asymmetric connection supported
Data by packet and circuit switch
QPSK modulationReceiver: Joint Detection, (mobile: Rake)
Chip rate: 3.84 Mcps or 1.28 Mcps
Channel raster: 200 kHz
Maximum RF ch bit rate (kbps): ~ 3.3Mbps (1/2 rate coding, spreading factor 1, 15 timeslots, ex overheads), but interference limited
Frame length: 10msNumber of slots / frame: 15
Handovers: Hard
Power control period: 100 Hz or 200 Hz UL, ~ 800 Hz DL
Power control step size: 1, 2, 3 dB (Variable)
Power control range: UL 65dB, DL 30dB
Mobile peak power: Power class 1: +33 dBm (+1dB/-3dB) = 2W; class 2 +27 dBm, class 3 +24 dBm, class 4 +21 dBm
Number of unique base station identification codes: 512/frequency
Physical layer spreading factors: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

Frequency band: 2010 MHz - 2025 MHz in China (WLL 1900 MHz - 1920 MHz)
Minimum frequency band required: 1.6MHz
Frequency reuse: 1 (or 3)
Chip rate: 1.28 Mcps
Frame length: 10msNumber of slots: 7
Modulation: QPSK or 8-PSK
Voice data rate: 8kbit/s
Circuit switched services: 12.2 kbits/s, 64 kbits/s, 144 kbits/s, 384 kbits/s, 2048 kbits/s
Packet data: 9.6kbits/s, 64kbits/s, 144kbits/s, 384kbits/s, 2048kbits/s
Receiver: Joint Detection, (mobile: Rake)
Power control period: 200 Hz
Number of slots / frame: 7
Frame length: 5ms
Multi carrier: option
Handovers: Hard
Smart antennas
Baton handover
Uplink synchronisation
Physical layer spreading factors: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

4. 相關網站:
- CWTS (中國通信標準化協會)

5. 參考資料:
[1] UMTS World: technology/TD-CDMA, technology/TD-SCDMA
[2] Wikipedia: UMTS-TDD
[3] NextWave Wireless


電信知識 - 網路圖書館


[-] ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union-Telecom) : 一個與ETSI類似, 可以說所有與固網(PSTN, ISDN, B-ISDN)相關的舊世代傳輸/通信/電信交換/測試技術的規格, 都可以在ITU-T找到對應的文件. 以前ITU-T的文件需要買, 現在已經可以免費下載, 真是工程界的一大福音.

[-] 3G America: 不知何時冒出來的GSM-GPRS-UMTS技術性論壇, 以北美觀點看歐洲技術, 有不少精采的白皮書, 有空一起研究看看.

[-] 3GPP2:所有與CDMA相關的正式技術資源, 從1xRTT, 1xEVDO到UMB都有包含.
其中筆者最常用的是3GPP2 Specification來下載有關CDMA的規格文件.

[-] CDMA Development Group: 筆者常常在此查詢全球CDMA operator的服務參數與進展, 例如:
CDMA Worldwide.
其中CDMA Resources有非常多的文章值得CDMA相關工作人員參考.

[-] IFAST (International Forum on ANSI-41 Standards Technology) : 一個與IS-41網路有關的技術論壇. 筆者用來查詢SID與MIN.

[-] telenor公司提供的電信智庫文件:

[-] 耶魯大學電腦科學部門的教材:http://zoo.cs.yale.edu/classes/cs433/lecture/

[-] GSM技術規格總表:
1. GSM Technical Specifications List (Page last updated 2004.10.20); Copyright notice:(c) M.Mouly & M.B. Pautet 1998-2004
2. List of GSM Standards made by Kun-Yi Chen: 根據教科書製作的GSM規格總表(幾乎),在此對作者Kun-Yi Chen致敬,謝謝您的貢獻。

[-] GSM/ISUP/SIP/V5的Call Flows: Telecom Call Flows (GSM, ISUP, VoIP),GSM的資料很豐富,很可惜目前還沒有UMTS的部份。

[-] OMA網站:http://www.openmobilealliance.org/index.html,在OMA可以找到WAP, MMS, PTT...etc的相關技術文件。

[-] Kannel: Open Source WAP and SMS gateway。Kannel is a compact and very powerful open source WAP and SMS gateway, used widely across the globe both for serving millions of short messages (SMS) and pushing WAP service indications.

[-] 同聲相應 - Telecom Author: 筆者所敬仰的電信作家之作品。

[-] 同氣相求 - 電信技術論壇:筆者常瀏覽的電信技術論壇。



高頻與低頻 (draft)

在此以50MHz ~ 6GHz的範圍來研究低頻與高頻的行為


[Free Space Loss]
50MHz: 30 - 72.92 = -42.92 dBm
700MHz: 30 - 98.84 = -68.84 dBm
900MHz: 30 - 101.03 = -71.03 dBm
1800MHz: 30 - 107.05 = -77.05 dBm
2000MHz: 30 - 107.96 = -77.96 dBm
3000MHz: 30 - 111.48 = -81.48 dBm
5000MHz: 30 - 115.92 = -85.92 dBm
6000MHz: 30 - 117.51 = -87.51 dBm




連結:mW to dBm Calculator

包含P-GSM900, E-GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900的UL/DL頻段速查表
連結:ARFCN to Frequency Calculator

[Free Space Loss計算器]

[-] AUBRAUX: http://www.aubraux.com/
